

This just in: GPA-CT has a tiger! No. Wait. That isn’t a tiger. That’s Annie the brindle Greyhound!

Annie is seven years young, though her foster Mom swears she has the energy of a dog half that age. Annie enjoys squeaky toys, zoomies, and treats. And snuggles. Did I mention snuggles? Annie can’t get enough lovin’. Here’s a dog who could give Elmyra Duff a run for her money!

Annie’s a very clever girl who figured out stairs, mirrors, and hardwood floors all in the same day. Her curiosity is boundless. If she could talk, she would constantly ask “What’s that?” and “Whatcha doin’?”

Annie gets along with well mannered children and with her foster family’s laid back German Shepherd mix.

Stay tuned for updates including “trip to the dog park” and “walks on a leash when the deer are out”!